Matthew Bridges M.D. FACS

Double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

804-378-7443 | Schedule Consultation

Septoplasty in Richmond, VA

33 Procedures ( View All )


A septoplasty is a surgical procedure to straighten a deviated septum. A deviated septum is a condition in which the nasal septum is shifted away from the midline into one side of the nasal cavity, which obstructs the patient's airflow and inhibits breathing. Dr. Matthew Bridges M.D. FACS, a Richmond area facial plastic surgeon, performs deviated septum repairs to relieve the patient's medical symptoms, improve the patient’s airflow, and correct any physical imperfections. 

Surgical Technique

Septoplasty surgery is performed through an incision made inside the nostril. The tissue covering the septum is lifted and separated so that a clear view of the inside of the nose can be achieved and the bone and cartilage assessed. During the procedure, the deviated structures are removed or reshaped to correct the issue, while at the same time preserving the shape of the nose. The incision is closed with sutures. As part of the post-operative preparation, the surgeon usually places a splint or soft plastic sheets inside the nose to help reduce scar tissue and to help align the septum as it heals. Nose packing may be used in some cases to control bleeding.

During/After Surgery

Surgical Technique

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Septoplasty FAQs

Breathing Issues Only?

Most patients will choose to have Septoplasty to help alleviate symptoms of a deviated septum. However, many of these patients like the look of their nose and thus are worried that surgery will change this.  Septoplasty generally does not alter the appearance of the nose.  In some cases, septoplasty can help to straighten a crooked nose or improve nostril symmetry.   It is important to go to an experienced nose surgeon so that any visible change are natural and subtle. 

What Causes A Deviated septum?

A deviated septum can be caused by trauma, including birth trauma.  Most patients with deviated septums do not recall specific trauma to their nose, however.   Sometimes minor trauma to the nose in childhood can move the septum out of the midline, worsening as the nose grows in puberty.  The majority (up to 80%) of the adult population has a deviated septum, but only a small percentage of those adults have symptoms severe enough for surgery.

Plastic Surgeon or ENT?

Most ENT surgeons are skilled to perform Septoplasty. However, Facial Plastic Surgeons are specially trained to preserve the look and shape of the nose, or change it according to patient desire. Some general plastic surgeons may send their patients to an ENT for the Septoplasty, while they focus on rhinoplasty. It’s important to note that if a rhinoplasty surgeon cannot perform Septoplasty, then patients should consider finding a new nose surgeon. The septum plays a critical role in rhinoplasty.   Dr. Bridges is Double Board Certified in both ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery and thus understands the critical importance of both function and aesthetics in nasal surgery. Dr. Bridges believes that mastery of septoplasty is critical in performing successful rhinoplasty.  

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.